Ziyang is a nerd at heart who just feels happy solving all sorts of science problems or watching others do it.

Born in Jiangsu, China, Ziyang went to college at Peking University where he studied chemistry and computer science. He somehow thought that computers weren’t as cool as stitching atoms together (he didn’t think these two can be one thing) and decided to pursue a PhD in chemistry with Andrew G. Myers at Harvard University. Having synthesized new macrolide antibiotics to combat super bacteria, he joined Kevan M. Shokat’s lab at University of California, San Francisco to figure out how to use chemistry to outsmart cancer.

Ziyang thinks it’s really important to communicate science to everyone and tries to do it with the simplest language.

In his free time, Ziyang enjoys running, cycling and skiing.

Please do reach out to him if he could answer any question of yours, or if you just want to chat about some science! (he does that himself all the time and is super grateful for everyone who has helped him)